Critical Focus, Second Edition by Paul Richards, PhD


The Black and White Photographs of Harvey Wilson Richards

Critical Focus Full Cover 2nd ed 72523


written and compiled by Paul Richards, Ph.D.
104 pages, 123 photos
ISBN 978-1-7344042-8-9 eBook
ISBN 978-0-9972170-7-0 print
Library of Congress Control Number 201910753
1987, 2019 Paul Richards
All Rights Reserved

Richards’ black and white images available in this photo book were shot while he was producing 22 documentary films about protest movements of the 1960s. His still photo images helped publicize the events he filmed and reflected his support for California farm workers, the peace and civil rights movements, the environmental movements of those times, and the Soviet Union in 1961.

eBook Edition: Gateway to the Media Archive

The eBook contains more than the photos and text of the original 1987 book. The eBook edition of Critical Focus is a gateway to well over 1000 new photos and 22 documentary films by Harvey Richards available on the internet through the Harvey Richards Media Archive and Estuary Press. A new “List of Photographs” offers instant navigation to any photo in the eBook. “Endnotes” in the eBook contain links to the Harvey Richards Media Archive by subject.

The First Edition of Critical Focus is available from Estuary Press.

Teachers can get the first edition of Critical Focus free through the Zinn Education Project.

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Critical Focus Paperback $15.00 plus $6.00 postage in the US, outside the US, $12.75.
CRITICAL FOCUS: THE BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS OF HARVEY WILSON RICHARDS written and compiled by Paul Richards, Ph.D. 104 pages, 123 photos ISBN 0-9618725-0-0 LC 87-81720 1987, Estuary Press

MEDIA – For photos & interviews: Paul Richards (510) 967 5577;

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