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Critical Focus, Photo Book by Paul Richards, Ph.D.

written and compiled by Paul Richards, Ph.D.
104 pages, 123 photos
ISBN 0-9618725-0-0
LC 87-81720
1987, Estuary Press

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Critical Focus, the Black and White Photographs of Harvey Wilson Richards by Paul Richards

Harvey Richards’ black and white images are available in this photo book written and edited by Paul Richards, Ph.D. While producing 22 documentary films about protest movements of the 1960s, Harvey Richards shot still photo images to help publicize the events he filmed. Critical Focus compiles his black and white images of California farm workers, the peace and civil rights movements, the environmental movement and the devastation left by the logging industry in the forests of the west coast. It also includes photos from his trip the the Soviet Union in 1961 with his wife Alice Richards and his son, Paul.  At the time Critical Focus was published in 1986, the full extent of his photographic collection was hidden in the file drawers of his study.  Now the Harvey Richards Media Archive has published numerous photo galleries from these files. The photos in the book are those he developed and printed in his darkroom in the garage for use by the movements he photographed. The book was designed by Rene Castro and Deborah Netsky and printed by Autumn Press. If you are a teacher, you can get this book for the cost of postage through the Zinn Education Project. Critical Focus first edition is available directly from Estuary Press.

Critical Focus Paperback $15.00 plus $6.00 postage in the US, outside the US, $12.75.
CRITICAL FOCUS: THE BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHS OF HARVEY WILSON RICHARDS written and compiled by Paul Richards, Ph.D. 104 pages, 123 photos ISBN 0-9618725-0-0 LC 87-81720 1987, Estuary Press
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