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Literary Dialogs with Nina Serrano featuring Dena Taylor

Dena Taylor Reads from Her Book Exclamation Points

A Poignant Memoir in Verse

Santa Cruz County poet Dena Taylor new book Exclamation Points is a poignant memoir in verse. In response to her publisher’s (Kate Hitt of Many Names Press) request for a poetry manuscript, Dena reviewed her poems, written over a lifetime, ordered them chronologically and wrote her marvelous bitter sweet book. This is Dena’s second visit to Literary Dialogs with Nina Serrano. The first interview was about her book written with her daughter, Becky Taylor, called Tell Me the Number Before Infinity.

Dena Taylor and Nina Serrano
Dena Taylor and Nina Serrano on Zoom

In this current Zoom interview

In this current Zoom on Literary Dialogs with Nina Serrano reading and interview, Dena reads poems written as a young mother, an empty nester and a grandmother, sharing the telling moments of the bitter sweet poignancy of life. As Jory Post, publisher and co-founder of phren-z literary magazine noted in her review:

“In Exclamation Points, Dena Taylor cracks open her heart, invites us to sit with her under a family tree of mothers and fathers and daughters and grandkids. With a mind required to observe and share everything, we watch her daughters grow with rainbows, mosquito bites, … and disability placards. A daughter says, “She’s glad I’m there. Saying it more than once.”… Taylor carves the memory of her parents with a deft blade. “The time since he died is full of things I want to tell him,” she says of her father. And of her mother, “I would give both my breasts to keep you here.” Sprinkled with whiskey, weed, and wine, Taylor’s fearless approach to living a full life showcases the depths of love, grief, and remembrance. In “Don’t Forget” she says, “Savor everything, be glad you were born, be very glad.” This road map Taylor has crafted with eyes wide open, welcomes us as passengers on her unique journey.”

Exclamation Points Cover2

Exclamation Points is published by Many Names Press and is available through books stores and on line.

MEDIA – For photos & interviews: Paul Richards (510) 967 5577;

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