On Writing Nicaragua Way 4
From Memories to Fiction
Welcome to the series of short videos about writing Nicaragua Way. In this five part video series Nina Serrano reflects on the sources of inspiration that brought her to write a Latino historical novel. In this fourth video of a five part series, she weaves the threads of memory, her own and those of her protagonist Lorna Almendros, into her novel Nicaragua Way. Lorna Almendros lives among the artists and revolutionaries in San Francisco and Managua engaged in supporting the triumphant Sandinista revolution of the 1970’s and `80’s. Nicaragua Way is the story of a mature woman, a single parent traveling through romance, empty nest blues, menopause, aging, activism and raising a new generation, facing the risks of life and love in her own way.
New episodes are posted each week. So come back to view more. The subjects of the video series are:
- Sandinista Memories, On Writing Nicaragua Way 1 (1:48 min)
- A Nation of Immigrants, On Writing Nicaragua Way 2 (2:23 min)
- Globalized Connections, On Writing Nicaragua Way 3 (2:24 min)
- From Memories to Fiction, On Writing Nicaragua Way 4 (2:40 min)
- Another World Is Possible, On Writing Nicaragua Way 5 (1:52 min)
These videos offer behind-the-scenes glimpses of the characters, the times and the author. I hope both readers and writers will enjoy this exploration of my creative process. May it help strengthen their own.
See Nicaragua Way playlist on Nina Serrano’s YouTube channel for more videos on Nicaragua Way
MEDIA – For photos & interviews: Paul Richards (510) 967 5577; paulrichards@estuarypress.com
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