Lucille Lang Day

Lucy Lang Day Prize Winning Memoir “Married at Fourteen”

Nina Serrano features Lucille Lang Day on KPFA

Lucy Lang Day, author of memoir Married at Fourteen
Lucille Lang Day, author of memoir “Married at Fourteen”

Lucille Lang Day will be reading excerpts from her new prize winning memoir “Married at Fourteen”  published by Heyday Books and discussing her work with poet, and KPFA radio host/producer Nina Serrano this Friday June 7 at 3pm on “Open Book:: Poet to Poet”. Nina Serrano and Jill Montgomery, technical director, produce the program.

Lucille Lang Day tells a delinquent’s tale of the hard and rollicking journey to redemption with a happy ending. Today, Lucille is a well-respected prize winning local author and publisher born and raised in Piedmont CA, a small wealthy enclave surrounded by racous Oakland.

Married at Fourteen breaks all the clichés

Her story breaks all the clichés about wayward youth. Rebellious and willful as a teenager, Lucy first married at age 14 and gave birth at 15. Between the ages of 14 and 17, she did not attend school. In addition to mothering during these years, she worked as a sales representative for Beauty Counselor Cosmetics, a phone girl at Chicken Delight, and a gas station attendant. These experiences kindled her enthusiasm for academics. She currently holds two Masters degrees and a PhD.

The mother of two grown daughters and grandmother of four, Lucy currently baby-sits often and lives in Oakland with her husband, writer Richard Michael Levine.

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