Traces of Love, a poem from
Heart Songs, Collected Poems 1969-1979
by Nina Serrano
“Traces of Love” is an offering from my book Heart Songs, Collected Poems of Nina Serrano, 1969-1979. Over the decades of reading poetry in public I seldom include my very short poems. Yet they are some of my favorites. The Nina Serrano website brings these under one minute poems to you for the first time. The poems are enhanced with music and visuals by community artists included in wonderful videos that you can watch here or on your phone or tablet wherever you are. Please share them with your friends, family and community.
My Short Poem Videos are produced and edited by Estuary Press as a collaboration between Paul Richards, Estuary Press, and me. My thanks to John Cowan for the music. Enjoy them!
Traces of Love
Souvenirs of gentle feelings
Flowing currents
in the endless cycle
from a stream
to a teardrop.
© Nina Serrano 2014
Heart Songs: The Collected Poems of Nina Serrano, 1969-1980, was first published by Editorial Pocho Che, a Latino literary collective, as part of a three-book 10th anniversary series. The other two books were Raul Salinas’ now classic Un Trip through the Mind Jail y Otras Excursions and Roberto Vargas’s legendary Nicaragua Yo To Canto Besos Balas y Suenos de Libertad. Estuary Press republished it as an ebook.
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