Cesar Chavez Monument First mural_Guadalupe Room photo by Erika Williams crop small

César E. Chávez National Monument

Harvey Richards’ photo mural in César E. Chávez National Monument

César E. Chávez National Monument
Harvey Richards’ photo mural in César Chávez National Monument. Photo by Erika Williams.

César E. Chávez National Monument has acquired one of Harvey Richards’ photos to be used as a floor to ceiling mural in the Guadalupe Room. In the Tehachapi Mountains of Kern County, California, up on Highway 58 to the south east of Bakersfield, stands the César E. Chávez National Monument of the US National Park Service. It is located in the Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz site which is the headquarters of the United Farm Workers Union since 1972. 

César E. Chávez National Monument

Harvey Richards took the photo on March 15, 1966 during the United Farm Worker’s March to Sacramento from Delano, CA. It is number 51/55 in the Farm Workers On Strike 1959-1966 gallery on the Harvey Richards Media Archive. Visit the Monument in person or via its web site to learn more about Cesar Chavez and his legacy.

MEDIA – For photos & interviews: Paul Richards (510) 967 5577; paulrichards@estuarypress.com

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